Ошибка dcom 2147944122 с компьютера

Вот такое в журнале каждые пол минуты! Как это побороть? ))

EBOL@ 28.05.2008 00:43

Hacker 28.05.2008 00:53

Monarh2 16.12.2009 14:13

запускаю два окна игры,через некотрое время одно окно закрывается.
Выскакивает собщения нехватка виртуальной памяти,хотя стоит: две по 512 мб оперативке.
Как это можна исправить.Узнавал у друзей у них на1 гб тянет3 окна.
Отакая ошыбка:2009.12.16 12:37:29
OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU : AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 1810 MHz with 1023MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce 6600 (9107)
PosCode : LS1:146705:25840:-2013 1/0

Insufficient Memory.
Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space.
You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory.

Yohji 16.12.2009 14:59
Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space.

Monarh2 16.12.2009 15:23

У виртуальной памяти СТОИТ ТАКИЕ ПАРАметры:исходный размер-500 мб.максимальный размер-500 мб.

———- Добавлено в 13:21 ———- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 13:20 ———-

может неправильно выставлено

———- Добавлено в 13:23 ———- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 13:21 ———-

есь сдесь ктото?

imported_DTS 16.12.2009 18:36

поставьте 2 гб подкачки хотябы.

———- Добавлено в 16:36 ———- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 16:35 ———-

Yohji 16.12.2009 18:50
Часовой пояс GMT +4, время: 02:31 .

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How important is this event?


DCOM got error "" from the computer when attempting to activate the server:

Associated Messages

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer instructor when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer carla2.Casa.local when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer images when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

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DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer tloforrester when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer CHUCK-SPARE when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

How can I resolve this error? I thought I had it, but I’m still getting about 40 of these a day from this particular server.

"DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

Thanks for any help!

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

Along with several other computers this particular PC is in a workgroup. These PCs gets their IP via an Active Directory domain sever running DHCP and use appended FQDN’s names.

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer BTS104 when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer bts178.bstrap.local when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

message string data: 2147746132,,

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

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DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147943458" from the computer RENE when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer [computer] when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer fnbc-dc.fnbc.local when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

message string data: 2147942405, CTSNTS01,

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer W010712 when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM hat den Fehler "%2147746132" vom Computer "e2beh12-2" erhalten, als versucht wurde,
den folgenden Server zu aktivieren:

message string data: 2147746132, FYT-EXCH3,

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer WB15 when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM hat den Fehler "%2147942405" vom Computer "" erhalten, als versucht wurde,
den folgenden Server zu aktivieren:

What is this message all about ?

DCOM got error "%2147943515" from the computer ntsvr4.ykkarg.com.ar when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147942405" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

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DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM hat den Fehler "%2147944122" vom Computer "mvz-toughbook" erhalten, als versucht wurde,
den folgenden Server zu aktivieren:

DCOM kreeg de foutmelding ‘%2147944122’ van de computer bij het
activeren van de server

DCOM got error "%2147746132" from the computer Server06 when attempting to
activate the server:

DCOM got error "%2147944122" from the computer when attempting to
activate the server:


Add your comment on this Windows Event! Join the IT Network or Login.


DCOM cannot activate server <8BC3F05E-D86B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820>. The GUID resolves to the DCOM application identifier for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

Error Message

The Microsoft Event Viewer displays the following:

DCOM got error "2147944122" from the computer xxx.xxxxx.org when attempting to activate the server:"


DCOM cannot activate Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) because it is blocked by a firewall.


Add a new Inbound Rule for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security that allows the connection for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). See your Microsoft documentation for information.


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Please note that this document is a translation from English, and may have been machine-translated. It is possible that updates have been made to the original version after this document was translated and published. Veritas does not guarantee the accuracy regarding the completeness of the translation. You may also refer to the English Version of this knowledge base article for up-to-date information.

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